Op. 01 Bittersweet Collection

Op. 01 Bittersweet Collection

The Bittersweet collection began as a series of improvisational exercises. After recording approximately ten hours of piano improvisation, individual pieces were edited and refined to their final forms. The collection includes 16 pieces, in various styles, meters, and tonalities. The entire collection is reflective in nature. Each piece reflects a unique mood, inspired by experiences in the composer’s life. 

The original tracks were improvised and developed using an Alesis© QS8 multitimbral digital piano-synthesizer combination with a weighted-key, piano-style action. Additional edits and enhancements were created using Cakewalk© MIDI-editing software. The final version of each piece was played back through the aforementioned Alesis instrument and recorded on a Philips CRD870© Digital CD recorder.

Preview or Download Pieces From the Op. 01 Bittersweet Collection
A complete list of the pieces in the collection is provided in the Op. 01 Bittersweet Contents List You can preview or download any pieces from the Op. 01 Bittersweet Collection from SoundCloud.